Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Science is fun... showing a chemical reaction...

" WOW!"

"Look at the millions of tiny bubbles!"

We wanted to find out if we could show a chemical reaction taking place by mixing 2 substances together.

We used 2 reactants in our experiment, bicarbonate of soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (ascetic acid).
We guessed - would we perhaps create a new product?

What we did was we added a big spoonful of bicarbonate of soda to a small plastic container that was half full of vinegar with a little bit of red food colouring for effect!

What happened was that INSTANTLY the 2 reactants fizzed up and poured out of the container! This showed that a chemical reaction had taken place and that a GAS was present. The gas was carbon dioxide.

This showed us that we could demonstrate a chemical reaction by mixing 2
substances together. Cool!

(Mixing 2 substances does not always create a chemical reaction).

1 comment:

  1. it was so weird when you put the bicarbonate of soda in and the hole thing bubbles up its like a mini valcano erupting
